Journal Questions for Class Discussion List

You should respond to the appropriate question by Friday of the week for which it is assigned. As soon as you subscribe to the list, you should send a message with the following information:

Your name and nickname, if you wish to be called by one

Your campus address

Titles of the last three books you've read

A brief discussion of your previous exposure to British Literature and your reasons for enrolling for this course

January 28 Choose an image from the John Constable or J.M.W. Turner section on the Web site and relate it to one of Wordsworth's poems.

February 5 Listen to the third movement of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony (you can do this in the AV section of Bailey/Howe) and describe characteristics the music shares with the poetry of Wordsworth.

February 12 Does the BBC production of Pride and Prejudice do justice to the novel? Why or why not?

February 19 Choose an image from the Keats section of the Web site and relate it to one of Keats's poems or listen to the final movement of Schubert's String Quartet in D minor (D.810) and do the same.

February 26 Why do you think Victorian Britain was fascinated with Arthurian legend? What specific elements of Tennyson's poetry and the images at the Web site support your ideas?

March 5 How was the midterm? March 12 How does Jane Eyre attract the reader's sympathy? Is she a reliable narrator?

March 26 What role does coincidence play in this novel? Do you find this effective? Why or why not?

April 2 How are the actual paintings of Fra Lippo Lippi and Andrea del Sarto reflected in Browning's dramatic monologues about these painters?

April 9 Why are Yeats's poems like Impressionist paintings?

April 16 Do you agree with Woolf's assessment of Austen and Bronte? Why or why not?

April 23 Do you like Maud and Roland? Why or why not? April 30 Based on the poets we've studied this semester, do you think that Byatt has created effective poetic voices in the work of R.H. Ash and Christabel LaMotte?