English 196: Daughters of Mary, Daughters of Eve
Paper 1

In a short paper (approximately 1000-1500 words, 4-5 pages depending on the typeface you select) analyse how the story of Adam and Eve, as it is told in Genesis 1, 2, and 3, is used in one of the following works:
The selections from Paul in the handout.
Tertullian, "On the Apparel of Women."
Ambrose, "Paradise."
Augustine, "Two Books on Genesis again the Manichees."
Jerome, "Against Jovinian."
One of the creation plays.

You might begin your analysis by answering the following questions. These questions are offered as a guide, not as an outline for your essay.
1. How is Genesis used in this text?
2. What has your chosen author included from the Genesis version?
3. Are his omissions, if there are any, significant?
4. Has your chosen author added anything to the story?
5. What does his use of Genesis suggest about the author's attitude to this material and his purpose in using it? What specifically leads you to the conclusions you draw about attitude and purpose?

Remember that your essay should have a clear thesis, which you state early and support with clear evidence both from Genesis and your chosen text.