e-mail:  kenneth,nalibow

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World Literature 118
Dostoevsky:  Crime and Redemption

Course Description

Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment as well as  Brothers Karamazov comprise the reading in this Dostoevsky "masterworks." course.  Taught in a discussion format with take-home hour and final exams, students analyze three of Dostoevsky's finest and best known works.  The political and social milieu within which they were written, as well as their connection to Russian and World Literature form the literary framework of the course.

You will have a choice of written or an oral take-home final .

Many people normally choose to write the take-home exam. Those who are very comfortable with discussion from classroom experience and who have earned an "A" on both written hour exams, may choose to set a time to take the final exam orally on a one-to-one basis with the instructor.  Especially those interested in graduate work can benefit from this format, since MA and Ph.D. comprehensive exams normally comprise both a written and an oral section.  Undergraduate work often limits the student's experience to take a serious, intellectually based, oral exam. A basic difference between my oral exam and one for an advanced degree is that examiners for advanced degrees do not mind intimidating their candidates.  That is certainly NOT my goal in this format!