BUS 3830
International Financial Management

Grossman School of Business
Kevin C.H. Chiang, Ph.D.


Course Objective

This course introduces theories and practices of international financial management and international investing. Major topics include foreign exchange market, balance of payments, exchange rate determination, foreign exchange exposure and management, international portfolio management, foreign direct investment, and foreign exchange derivatives.

Office Hours

I have an open-door policy. If you prefer to schedule an appointment or find it inconvenient to come by my office, I invite you to send me an e-mail.

  • Syllabus

  • Electronic Notes

    Topic 1. Introduction

    Topic 2: Monetary and exchange rate systems

    Topic 3. FX market

    Topic 4: Parity relationships

    Topic 5: Derivatives on FX

    Topic 6: Managing transaction exposure

    Topic 7: Managing economic exposure

    Topic 8: Managing an international portfolio

    Topic 9: International capital structure

    Answer Keys #1

    Answer Keys #2

    Old Exam #1