Fruit Types

Dry Fruits

(Dry pericarp - carpel walls)

A. Indehiscent Fruits

1. Achene - One-seeded, unwinged fruit; often feathered (plumose).
Example: Sycamore

2. Samara - Winged, achene-like fruit.
Example: Ash, Maple

3. Nut - Usually one-seeded with a bony, woody, leathery, or papery wall and usually partially or completely enclosed within a husk.
Example: Oak, Birch

B. Dehiscent Fruits

With a single carpel (chamber)

1. Follicle - Carpel splits along one suture to release seeds.
Example: Magnolia

2. Legume - Pod-like fruits which splits along two lines of suture.
Example: Yellowwood

With 2 or more fused carpels (chambers)
1. Capsule - May open in one of several ways.
Example: Catalpa

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