Plant Identification

  • Juniperus
  • Cupressaceae
  • Gymnosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Eastern Redcedar (J. virginiana)


  • Form
  • Needles
  • Needles
  • Fruit
  • Mature Form
  • Bark
  • J. virginiana (Form)

    A small to medium-sized, intolerant tree, distributed throughout most of the eastern U.S., west to mid-Texas, and is most commonly found on dry sites. Wood is very durable and used for "cedar closets" and novelty items. Leaves are dimorphic with decussate scalelike leaves, or awl-shaped (generally opposite, rarely ternate) leaves. Cones are 1/3", subglobose; dark purple, glaucous, and berry-like.