Plant Identification

  • Ulmus
  • Ulmaceae
  • Angiosperms
  • Main Menu
  • FOR 21
  • Rock Elm (U. thomasii)


  • Form
  • Leaves
  • Buds
  • Twig
  • Bark
  • Habitat
  • U. rubra (Bark)

    An uncommon tree which is intermediate in tolerance found on a variety of sites in the Appalachian region and Lake States. Leaves are similar to U. americana but are smaller (2-4"), glabrous above, and with a nearly equilateral base. Twigs are similar to U. americana but with longer buds, are more sharply pointed, and with downy ciliate margins. Twigs often have corky ridges after the second year. Fruit is similar to U. americana but generally is pubescent with a rounded apex. Bark is similar to U. americana but often darker and more deeply and irregularly furrowed.