Plant Identification

  • Ulmus
  • Ulmaceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Slippery Elm (U. rubra)


  • Form
  • Leaf
  • Twig
  • Bark
  • Buds
  • U. rubra (Twig)

    A medium-sized tree, intermediate in tolerance found on a variety of sites throughout the eastern U.S. except for northern New England and the southern coastal plains. Leaves are similar to U. americana but are often scabrous on both sides. Twigs are similar to U. americana but are stouter and scabrous with very dark, pubescent buds. Fruit is similar to U. americana but with emarginate apex and glabrous wing margins. Bark is reddish-brown with more nearly vertical ridges. Inner bark is homogeneous and mulcilaginous.