Plant Identification

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  • FOR 21
  • American Basswood (T. americana)


  • Form
  • Leaf
  • Twig
  • Fruit
  • T. americana (Leaf)

    A medium-sized, moderately tolerant tree on moist well-drained sites in the northeastern and northcentral U.S. Wood is soft but commercially important and a prolific sprouter. Leaves are deciduous, simple, alternate, broadly ovate, coarsely serrate, apex generally acuminate, base generally inequally cordate, and axillary pubescence below. Twigs zigzag. Buds are large, red, and "lopsided" with 2 to 3 visible scales. Fruit is clustered nutlets with grayish tomentose subtended by a leafy bract. Bark is gray with shallow vertical furrows dividing flat-topped ridges.