Plant Identification

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  • FOR 21
  • Osage-Orange (M.pomifera)


  • Form
  • M. pomifera (Form)

    A monotypic genus and a small tree with a natural range limited to bottomlands of southern AR, southern OK, and northest TX, but planted as an ornamental throughout much of the U.S. The wood is yellow and formerly used for bows, wagon wheels etc. It is the most durable of all North American woods. Leaves are simple, deciduous, alternate, ovate, entire with an acuminate tip, dark green, lustrous above and paler below. Twigs are stout and armed with sharp spines (1/2" long). Buds are very small, imbricate, and somewhat embedded in the stem. Fruit is globose and approximately 4" in diameter consisting of multiples of yellow-green drupes which somewhat resemble an orange or apple that exude bitter milky juice when crushed. Bark has deep, irregular furrows separating broad scaly ridges.