Plant Identification

  • Rhizophora
  • Rhizophoraceae
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  • FOR 21
  • Red Mangrove (R. mangle)


  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • R. mangle (Leaves)

    A small tree common on muddy flats of coastal southern Florida which commonly produces aerial roots and is adapted to grow in salt water. Leaves are single, opposite, persistent (evergreen), elliptical, entire, and leathery. Twigs are reddish brown and becoming gray. Buds are large with 2 green scales. Axillary buds flush while leaf is still intact. Fruit is ovate (1-1.5"), dry, hard, and rusty brown. The seed germinates while the fruit is still on the tree and forms a seedling which eventually falls off, floats away, becomes lodged, and develops into a plant.