Plant Identification

  • Umbellularia
  • Lauraceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • California-Laurel (U. californica)


    A small to large, often multistemmed tree found on a variety of sites in the coastal range from southern OR to southern CA and the lower slopes of the Sierras in CA. It is an important species for furniture and novelty items (especially products made from the burls). It is the only Lauraceous species native to the western U.S. and is a monotypic genus. Leaves are alternate, evergreen, lanceolate-elliptical, entire, and leathery with a spicy or pungent odor when crushed. Twigs are yellow-green with a pungent odor when crushed. Buds are tiny and naked. Fruit is a yellow-green drupe that is 1" in diameter and matures in autumn. Bark is brown and scaly.