Plant Identification

  • Sassafras
  • Lauraceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Sassafras (S. albidium)


  • Leaf/Fruit
  • Bark
  • S. albidium (Leaf and fruit)

    Usually a small, intolerant tree and a common pioneer in abandoned fields throughout the eastern U.S. except in northern New England, northern New York, and the northern Lake States. The wood is durable, a tea is made from the root bark, and extracted oils are used in soaps. Leaves are simple, deciduous, alternate, aromatic when crushed, and polymorphic (either entire elliptical), mitten-shaped (right or left handed). Twigs are green and aromatic when crushed. Buds are green with 3-4 scales. Fruit is a dark blue drupe (1/3") which matures in the fall and is borne on a bright red stalk; species dioecious. Bark is becoming thick, reddish-brown to brown with deep, irregular furrows seaparating broad, flat ridges.