Plant Identification

  • True Hickories
  • Carya
  • Juglandaceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Mockernut Hickory (C. tomentosa)


  • Leaves
  • Bud
  • Bark
  • C. tomentosa (Bark)

    A medium-sized tree found in the eastern U.S. except northern New England, the Lake States, and the Mississippi delta. Leaves are 7-9 fragrant leaflets which are pubascent below with a glandular pubescent rachis. Twigs are stout; red-brown pubescent; terminal 3/4", subglobose with red-brown tomentose; outer scales deciduous, revealing paler inner scales (similar to C. ovata but smaller). Bark is firm with loose, interlacing ridges and shallow furrows (ash-like but harder). Fruit is a 4-ribbed nut 1-3/4" within a dehiscent husk (thinner than C. ovata).