Plant Identification

  • Pecan Hickories
  • Carya
  • Juglandaceae
  • Angiosperms
  • Main Menu
  • FOR 21
  • Bitternut Hickory (C.cordiformis)


  • Form
  • Leaf
  • Bud
  • Fruit
  • Young Bark
  • Old Bark
  • C. cordiformis (Old bark)

    A medium-sized, moderately tolerant tree on a variety of sites throughout the eastern U.S. except for northern New England and southern portions of LA, MS, and AL. It is probably the most abundant hickory. Leaves are 7-11 lanceolate leaflets with pubescent rachis. Twigs are relatively stout and somewhat pubescent with sulfur-yellow buds. Fruit is 1", subglobose, and solitary or in pairs. The husk is 4-winged above the middle and the seed is bitter. Bark is firm and smooth when young but eventually develops shallow furrows and small interlacing ridges.