Plant Identification

  • Liquidambar
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  • FOR 21
  • Sweetgum (L. styraciflua)


  • Leaves/Fruit
  • Twig
  • L. styraciflua (Leaves and fruit)

    A large, intolerant tree on a variety of sites (mainly bottomlands) on the piedmont and coastal plains which commonly reproduces vegetatively by root suckering. It is very important commercially, especially as a plywood veneer. It is a common ornamental with bright red fall foliage and corky twigs. The species name is derived from "storax flow". Stotax is a fragrant resin obtained from the bark which is used in soaps and perfumes. Leaves are simple, deciduous, alternate, star-shaped, palmately 5-7 lobed with lobes having an acuminate apex, finely serrate, and a truncate base. Twigs are shiny, aromatic and commonly have corky ridges. Buds have several orange-brown imbricate scales. Fruit is a globose head of 2-celled beaked (spiny) capsules which are 1" in diameter and mature in the fall. The empty fruits are often persistent throughout the winter. Bark is grayish brown and furrowed with narrow, rounded, flaky ridges.