Plant Identification

  • Eastern Red Oaks
  • Fagus
  • Fagaceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Northern Red Oak (Q. rubra)


  • Form
  • Leaf
  • Fall Foliage
  • Fallen Leaves
  • Buds
  • Bark
  • Young Acorns
  • Old Acorns
  • Q. rubra (Buds)

    A moderately tolerant tree from moist, well-drained upland sites throughout the eastern U.S. except the southern coastal plains and the most important of the northern oaks. Leaves are deciduous with lobes separated by regular sinuses and glabrous except for occasional axillary tufts. Twigs are 1/4", ovoid, terete, and reddish-brown with scales often with ciliate margins. Fruit is to 1/8" long and enclosed at the base in a thick, saucer-like cap with small scales. Bark is flat-topped ridges with shallow fissures (ski-trail bark) and light red inner bark.