Plant Identification

  • Lithocarpus
  • Fagaceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Tanoak (L. densiflora)


  • Leaves/Fruit
  • L. lithocarpus (Leaves and fruit)

    A very tolerant medium-sized tree found on moist well-drained slopes of the coastal range from CA to OR. The wood is used for firewood and occasionally for furniture and flooring. Bark was formerly used in the tanning of leathers. Leaves are persistent, oblong, margin repand to dentate, leathery, somewhat revolute, shiny above and pubescent underneath. Twigs are initially pubescent, eventually red-brown and often with glaucous bloom. Buds are small with loose, imbricate, pubescent scales. Fruits are acorns with a shallow, hairy cup covered with long scales which mature in 2 seasons. Bark is high in tannin and red-brown with deep, narrow fissures dividing broad plates.