Plant Identification

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  • FOR 21
  • American Chestnut (C. dentata)


  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Buds
  • Diseased Bark
  • Flowers
  • Flower Cluster
  • Old Snag
  • Young Bark
  • Old Bark
  • C. dentata (Buds)

    A medium-sized, intermediate in tolerance tree on well-drained slopes of the Appalachian region. It was formerly probably the most valuable hardwood species in North America (durable, easily worked wood, and edible fruit) but was devistated by chestnut blight fungus (Endothia parasitica). Leaves are deciduous; 5-8" long, oblong, coarsely serrate with bristle-tipped teeth, and an acuminate tip. Twigs are lustrous. Buds are ovoid and pseudoterminal with 2 or 3 visible scales. Fruits are edible nuts within a 2" globose bur, with sharp branched spines. Bark is brown with shallow fissures and broad, flat ridges.