Plant Identification

  • Carpinus
  • Betulaceae
  • Angiosperms
  • Main Menu
  • FOR 21
  • Musclewood (C. caroliniana)


  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Fruit
  • Twig
  • Bark
  • Old Bark
  • C. caroliniana (Bark)

    A small understory tree on moist sites in the eastern U.S. that is also sometimes referred to as American Hornbeam. Leaves are elliptical and doubly serrate with tufts of white hair at the junction of the lower surface of the main veins. Twigs are slender with acute buds that are often 4-sided in cross-section. Fruit is a small ribbed nutlet attached to the base of "halberd-shaped" leafy bracts which appear in loose strobiles. Bark is thin, smooth, and blue-gray. The trunk is fluted (muscle-like).