Plant Identification

  • Alnus
  • Betulaceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Speckled Alder (A. rugosa)


  • Form
  • Leaves/Catkins
  • Leaves/Fruit
  • Buds
  • Fruit
  • Bark
  • A. rugosa (Buds)

    A transcontinental, nitrogen-fixing, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree found along streams or wet sites. Leaves are ovate, rugose, and coarsely doubly serrate. Twigs are red-brown with whitish lenticels. Buds are short-stalked, valvate, and maroon. Fruits are nutlets a in pendant, persistent, semi-woody strobile. Bark is smooth and dark brown with white elongated lenticels.