Plant Identification

  • Acer
  • Aceraceae
  • Angiosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Striped Maple: A. pensylvanicum


  • Form
  • Leaf/Fruit
  • Leaf
  • Bud
  • Bark
  • A. pensylvanicum (bud)

    A tolerant, small, understory tree on cool, moist sites in the northest and south to GA in the Appalachians. Leaves are shallowly three-lobed above the middle and are finely doubly serrate. Twigs are slender, red to green-brown, and glabrous. The buds are red, valvate, and stalked. The fruit is small with widely divergent wings and matures in the fall. The bark has prominent white vertical stripes; becoming brownish with stripes.