Lakes and Ponds (52)

From Anderson et al. (1976):
Lakes are nonflowing, naturally enclosed bodies of water, including regulated natural lakes but excluding reservoirs. Islands that are too small to delineate should be included in the water area. The delineation of a lake should be based on the areal extent of water at the time the remote sensor data are acquired.

The water in lakes and ponds can appear blueish-green or brown in the NAIP and dark gray in the orthophotos. In both sets of imagery, these surface waters have a very smooth texture and on occasion, display the reflection of cloud cover. In lakes and ponds with severe algal blooms the water may appear medium green and could be confused with agricultural fields. When water levels differ between two dates of imagery the higher water boundary should be used when delineating the feature. Lighting conditions and/or wind may alter the color and otherwise smooth appearance of reservoirs in both sets of imagery; and can lead to uncertainty as to the location of the bank.

Lakes & Ponds (52)

Lakes & Ponds (52)