Outdoor & Other Urban (17)

From Anderson et al. (1976):
Other Urban or Built-up Land typically consists of uses such as golf driving ranges, zoos, urban parks, cemeteries, waste dumps, water-control structures and spillways, the extensive parts of such uses as golf courses and ski areas, and undeveloped land within an urban setting. Open land may be in very intensive use but a use that does not require structures, such as urban playgrounds, botanical gardens, or arboreta. The use of descriptions such as "idle land," "vacant land," or "open land" should be avoided in categorizing undeveloped lands within urban areas on the basis of the use of remote sensor data, since information generally is not available to the interpreter to make such a refinement in categorization.

Urban areas with the code 17 represent a wide variety of built up areas. This code could include play fields, cemeteries, racetracks, ski areas, or public gardens. Ski areas are identified by earth colored or light green winding linear features on the side of a mountain in NAIP imagery. The majority of these locations can be properly identified from the VMP orthos and NAIP imagery.

Ski Areas (1734)

Ski Areas (1734)