Industrial (13)

From Anderson et al. (1976):
Industrial areas include a wide array of land uses from light manufacturing to heavy manufacturing plants. Identification of light industries those focused on design, assembly, finishing, processing, and packaging of products can often be based on the type of building, parking, and shipping arrangements. Light industrial areas may be, but are not necessarily, directly in contact with urban areas; many are now found at airports or in relatively open country. Heavy industries use raw materials such as iron ore, timber, or coal. Included are steel mills, pulp and lumber mills, electric power generating stations, oil refineries and tank farms, chemical plants, and brick making plants. Stockpiles of raw materials and waste-product disposal areas are usually visible, along with transportation facilities capable of handling heavy materials.

The Industrial code is used for intensely developed areas that specialize in the production or processing of food or raw materials. These facilities are identified by the presence of large smokestacks, storage facilities, or other large structures. Heavy machinery and large vehicles may also be present in these areas. The NAIP imagery and VMP orthophotos are both acceptable for identification of these areas.

Food Processing (136)

Food Processing (136)

Industrial & Commercial Complexes (15)

From Anderson et al. (1976):
The Industrial and Commercial Complexes category includes those industrial and commercial land uses that typically occur together or in close functional proximity. Such areas commonly are labeled with terminology such as "Industrial Park," but since functions such as warehousing, wholesaling, and occasionally retailing may be found in the same structures or nearby, the more inclusive category title has been adopted.

The Industrial and Commercial Complexes category includes those industrial and commercial land uses that typically occur together or in close functional proximity. Such areas commonly are labeled with terminology such as "Industrial Park," but since functions such as warehousing, wholesaling, and occasionally retailing may be found in the same structures or nearby, the more inclusive category title has been adopted.

Shopping Center/Mall (153)

Shopping Center/Mall (153)