Commercial & Services (12)

From Anderson et al. (1976):
Commercial areas are those used predominantly for the sale of products and services, but also includes institutional land such as educational, religious, health, correctional, and military facilities. They are often abutted by, residential, agricultural, or other contrasting uses which help define them. Components of the Commercial and Services category are urban central business districts; shopping centers, usually in suburban and outlying areas; commercial strip developments along major highways and access routes to cities; junkyards; resorts; and so forth. The main buildings, secondary structures, and areas supporting the basic use are all included office buildings, warehouses, driveways, sheds, parking lots, landscaped areas, and waste disposal areas.

This land use code is reserved for stand alone commercial, service, or institutional structures. These structures are easily identified in both the NAIP and VMP orthos. The structures are typically larger than residential areas and may contain storage tanks, large parking areas or other large non-building features. Shopping malls, office complexes, and industrial complexes should be assigned code 15: Industrial and Commercial Complexes.

Commercial wholesale (122)

Commercial wholesale (122)