CS 3650 Computer Networks Syllabus Sketch Fall 2023 === Instructor: Dr. Jeremiah Onaolapo Prereqs: CS 2240. This course also assumes proficiency in the Python programming language. Note: The final version of the CS 3650 syllabus (to be posted later) may differ from this tentative version. COURSE DESCRIPTION: --- Computer networks play an important role in our daily lives. This course covers different aspects of computer networking including various topologies and algorithms. In this course, we will explore the Ethernet network, wireless local area networks (LANs), network packets, various network protocols, and the key algorithms associated with them. We will also briefly explore network security towards the end of the course. COURSE OBJECTIVES: --- After completing CS 3650 Computer Networks, students will be able to: 1) Identify common misconceptions about computer networks; 2) Analyze network protocols at various scales; 3) Evaluate various building blocks of modern computer networks. REQUIRED READING: --- 1) Dordal, Peter L. An introduction to computer networks (second edition), 2022 (unknown ISBN). The textbook is available for free at https://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu/ . 2) Selected scientific and technical articles (to be announced later). SELECTED TOPICS (TENTATIVE): --- * Computer Networks: An Overview * Ethernet * Switched Ethernet * Wireless LANs * Packets * Dissecting Packets in Code * Abstract Sliding Windows * IPv4 * IPv4-related Protocols: DNS, ARP, DHCP, ICMP * IPv6 * Routing-Update Algorithms * Routing at Scale * BGP * UDP Transport * TCP Transport * Network Security GRADING: --- Grades are based on: Attendance and in-class participation, homework assignments, and a group project. Homework assignments will involve a mix of programming work (in Python) and written work. EXAMS: --- There will be no exams for this course. There is no final exam. FAQs: --- Q1: Will this course introduce me to software-defined networking (SDN)? A1: No. Q2: Any hands-on lab sessions in this course? A2: No. That said, there will be a handful of live demonstrations by the instructor. Q3: Will this course teach me a lot about network security? A3: No. That said, we will briefly explore a small selection of network security content towards the end of the course. [NB: Last updated Apr. 6, 2023]