


International Studies 295:

A Window on the Canadian Multicultural Mosaic:

The Chinese Community in Montreal








Course information:


Professor:                                 Jeanne L. Shea, Ph.D, 515 Williams Hall


Class meetings:                         August 9-10, 2001, 8:00 am to 7:00 pm


Class location:                          Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Prof. phone/email:                     (802) 656-3181, jlshea@zoo.uvm.edu


Course description:


An anthropological exploration of the experience, culture, and history of Chinese people in Montreal and Canada through classroom instruction and first-hand participant observation in the Chinese community in Montreal.


Required coursework:



Sourcebook of articles on Chinese in Montreal (136 pages)


Class participation:

Active participation in all class activities on August 9 and 10, 2001


Written assignment:

Write an analytical paper or a lesson plan on the Chinese community in Montreal, incorporating materials from the readings and from in-class lectures and participant observation activities.  Five to seven pages double-spaced. 


Proposal due August 15, 2001.


Completed assignment due August 31, 2001.


Course schedule:


Thursday, August 9, 2001


8:00                 Depart for Montreal in van from UVM visitor's parking lot

Listen to Chinese music and language tapes


10:30‑12:00     History, Demography, Geography of Montreal's Chinese Population

(Jeanne Shea, Hotel‑La Tour de Centre Ville, Conference Room

                         400 Rene Levesque Blvd. West)


12:00‑1:30       Lunch (Chinatown: Jade Garden or Asie Moderne)


1:30‑3:00         Guest lecture: Social Issues in Chinese Community of Montreal

                        (Christian Samfat, Executive Director, Chinese Neighborhood 

                         Society, Chinatown, 15 rue Viger)


3:00‑5:30         Guided walking tour of Chinatown

(Jeanne Shea and Christian Samfat, start at 15 rue Viger)


7:00‑8:00         Dinner with Jiehui Li in a new immigrant neighborhood

                        (Victoria St., Van Horne St., Cote des Neiges St., Plamondon Metro area)


Friday, August 10, 2001


8:00                 Breakfast at hotel


9:15‑10:45       Guest lecture: Immigration Issues for Chinese in Montreal

                         (Jean Jiang, Immigration Specialist, Hotel‑La Tour de Centre 

                         Ville, Conference Room, 400 Rene Levesque Blvd. West) 


10:45‑12:00     Historical, Sociocultural, Economic, and Political Issues of

                         Montreal Chinese (Jeanne Shea, hotel, based on readings, lectures, tours)


12:00‑1:30       Lunch: Dim Sum (Chinatown: Le Maison Kam Fung, 1008 rue Clark,

                        near Gauchetiere est, Place d'Armes Metro stop)


1:30‑3:30         Visit to a Montreal historical or cultural site:

                        Point a Calliere (Place D'Armes metro)

                        or Centre d'Histoire de Montreal (Square Victoria metro)         

or Chinese garden (Montreal Botanical Garden, Pie IX metro stop)


5:00                 Depart from hotel for Vermont in UVM van

On the way home, pass by Brossard, suburb with many Chinese


7:00                 Arrive back home in Vermont