Chemistry 35
Fall 2000


There will be three "hourly" exams and one comprehensive final exam. The three "hourly" exams are scheduled for September 20th, October 18th, and November 15th beginning at 7:00 p.m. and ending no later than 9:30 p.m. (room TBA) (NOTE: these are all Wednesdays. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a known conflict with this exam schedule). The Final Exam is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. Monday, December 11th in B112 Angell, and will cover material from the entire semester.

Your grade for the course will be determined as follows:

250 points
Exam #1:
150 points
Exam #2:
150 points
Exam #3:
150 points
Final Exam:
250 points
50 points
1000 points

Missed Exams:
Please make every effort not to miss an exam. If you have a scheduled conflict with an evening exam, you must notify me at least one week before the exam; I will then arrange an alternate time for you to take the exam.

If you must miss an exam (for a valid reason, like illness), you must notify me before the exam. Excused exams will not be made-up individually; however, there will be a comprehensive make-up exam on Friday, December 1st. If you miss an exam for an invalid reason (see above), you will receive a ZERO for a grade on that exam.

Missed Labs:
Since the laboratories operate on an extremely tight schedule, it is expected that every student will attend their regularly scheduled lab section unless it is absolutely impossible for them to do so (i.e., due to a documented illness, being out of town due to a family problem, etc.). Oversleeping, studying for an exam, or just plain not being prepared are not valid excuses. If you must miss a lab for a valid reason, notify your lab instructor before the scheduled lab period (you can email your T.A. or call the Chem Department office, 656-2594, and leave a message for them, if necessary).

Excused labs must be made-up the same week that they were missed. To make-up a missed lab, find a lab section (preferably in the same room that you normally have lab) that you can fit into your schedule; contact the instructor for that section and ask them if there is room for you to make-up the lab; notify your regular lab instructor as to when and where you intend to make-up the lab and obtain any special instructions for your lab section from him/her. If you cannot make-up an excused lab, notify your lab instructor -- your grade for that lab will be your average lab grade for the semester (as determined at the end of the semester).

You may not make-up an unexcused lab! You will receive a grade of zero for each unexcused lab. If you accumulate more than two unexcused labs, you will not receive a passing grade for the course!

Created and copyright by Joel M. Goldberg. Last updated: August 28, 2000

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