~ Hilary ~

Here are a few poor-quality photos of our Silly Hilly Dilly, Queen of Tuna. We have many better pictures (real photos), but I haven't had the chance to scan them in, so these will have to do for now. When we borrow the digital camera again, we'll replace these goofy shots with some more honorable images of The Dill. For more information on Hilary, please see our Pet page. Click on each image to see a larger version of it. This first batch of pictures was taken around November of 1998.

Here are five photos of Hilary lying on our carpet. Unfortunately, she absolutely adored the carpet, and expressed her love by scratching at it. She only did this when we weren't home (ugh!), so we had no way of teaching her to stop. She had plenty of acceptable alternative scratching places around. Even when we flipped the rug over, she'd scratch at its underside and take the filaments out. Finally we had to roll it up and store it. It's sad, but we'll not be able to use the rug while Hilary is in our lives. And to think, she matches it so well!

Here is Hilary demonstrating that she does indeed use her scratching posts (actually, they are made by us by gluing strips of cardboard box together). She likes it when we sprinkle catnip on the scratching posts. We've also found that she's just as likely to use them flat on the floor as she is if we tilt them up.

Here is Hilary sitting in her favorite spot. She spends hours here, watching the birds, chipmunks, red squirrels (and occasionally a grey squirrel), and probably wishing she could eat them. Alas, she's an indoor kitty, allowing her and her outdoor friends to remain safe. We have been known to leave seeds for the chipmunks/squirrels on the deck, so Hilary can watch them scurry around and eat them. She goes into a trance, whips her tail back and forth, murmurs, smacks her lips, and occasionally pounces at the glass. All the while, the rodents on the other side nervously snarf up all the seeds, watchin her, but gradually becoming less afraid.

Here are three pictures of Hilary sitting, in various parts of the living room. Can you tell we like her? (can you tell we didn't have much furniture when these pictures were taken?) I think the last image is the cutest.

Here is Hilary walking fast, and walking slowly. She looks quite determined, don't you think?

The following pictures were taken around Christmas time, 1998.

Hilary being cute.

She gets an idea.

She rubs against a box, and then decides to help with christmas wrapping. Umm....

"Is there something under that corner?"

She leans down to investigate.

"You Will NOT be using this bag for wrapping paper."

Hilary seriously contemplates all aspects of her new domain.

Hilary settles down to guard her paper bag.

"Why are you staring at that thing again..

When you could be petting me?"

Hilly supervising the birds in the feeder.

Hilary, watching the birds.

Hilary often spends her days gazing out the back door at the wildlife. We occasionally put sunflower seeds on the deck, to attract wildlife for her entertainment. She does look like she's having fun, doesn't she? Notice that her tail is in a different position in every picture.. picture it madly swishing back and forth, while she squats, nose against the glass, and licks her chops.

Hilary concentrates, hoping to open the door with sheer will power.

The squirrel pauses. "Is that a cat?"

That squirrel looks pretty scared, doesn't it! Umm. :-)

Hilary sits up, visibly annoyed.

"Darn, it got away again!"

Last Modified January 14, 1999