~ The Gus Gallery ~

These are a whole bunch of pictures of our bunny, Gus. We took them in our house with a digital camera. Although the quality of the images is much poorer than with a photograph, these pictures were candid, free and instant! Click on the text to see a 4 times larger version of each picture. Enjoy!

I describe Gus in more detail on our "bunnies" page.

In his cage:

eating Parsley in his old, tiny cage

sitting in his new 8x10 foot run

sitting in his safe spot

Checking out Mike's grandfather's desk:

spying Mike's desk - the new frontier..

standing up, under Mike's desk

hopping around under Mike's desk

licking his fur in the computer room

Under the futon (one of his favorites):

licking a paw, under the futon

lying down under the futon

looking out from under the futon

sniffing a paw, lying down (no flash)

standing up behind the futon (no flash)

Hopping, of course!


in mid-stride, stealth-bunny

in mid-hop!

running toward the camera

This is no ordinary rabbit!

With people:

Mike holding an overexposed Gus

snuggling up to Mike

close-up of gus sniffing Mike

Gus over Mike's shoulder
(check out the nose!)

Mike petting Gus

Mike and Gus in serious negotiations

Gus noticing Jess holding the camera

ready to hop off of Mike's lap

Rachel grinning with Gus on her lap
(she's only itching her nose, here)

Rachel laughing with Gus on her lap
(no, she's not about to karate chop him!)

a goofy Jess holding Gus up (cute feet!)

And the winner for the cutest shot:

lounging in the plants (notice oregano plant in foreground. It will soon be grazed to the soil).

Ever seen a wet bunny? Here is a story and some accompanying pictures taken of Gus during and after The Great Bath. Warning: Bunnies don't need baths ever, under normal circumstances. Unless you live in a climate where they are overheated, or they need to be bathed for medical reasons, I would not recommend subjecting them to this. Most rabbits REALLY don't like it.

Last Modified December 18, 1998 by Jessica Dion
Rabbit Ring Home Page This Rabbit Ring site is owned by
Jessica Dion

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