Our future plans...

As is true with most people in their early 20's, our future plans are unclear. Right now, we're going to try to have as much fun as we can with the tanks we have, because although we now have the space for more tanks, we don't have the time to do a good job with any more fish, and we don't want to use up too much electricity on heating the tanks and running filters. We're slobbering over every 125 gallon tank we see, but I think we'll have to hold out for at least a few more years, until we can reinforce the floor in our house, and gauge our free time a little better. I'd also like to try building a plywood tank and a pond, but that too will have to wait. We might start working on pond ideas this winter, and implement them in the spring. Fishkeeping is a fantastic hobby - allowing the hobbyist to strike a perfect balance between tinkering, creating, and observing and relaxing. We're continuously trying to maintain that balance.

Another thing we've been struggling with is curbing our tendency to branch out uncontrollably. It's easy to end up with over 50 species of fish scattered throughout a dozen or so tanks, but that leaves no room for breeding, for establishing low fish density planted tanks, or species tanks where behavior can be explored in more detail, and the conditions of the tank can be tailored closely to the needs of that species of fish. We've often fantasized about concentrating on one kind of fish, but inevitably, that $1 bag of fish that "I've always wanted" comes up with me from the fish club auctions, and we end up diversifying once more. We'd love to have a salt water tank too, but we've decided to hold off on that (exercising our one remaining shred of self-control :-).

Words of advice...

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Last Updated January, 2000