~ Our Only Brackish Tank ~

This tank has a bunch of Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis, a cute very small brackish water rainbowfish. They're almost white/transparent, but in front of a dark background, they have a striking blue sheen on parts of their body, and fins with black trim that make them look like racing kites.

Also in this tank are two bumblebee gobies that I've had since about 1993. One is looking REALLY old - thin with a wavy spine, but the other looks ok for such an old fish, especially since they were kept in purely fresh water for the first four years of their life!

I have one terrible picture of this little tank. The three whitish blobs near the middle left of the tank are some Pseudomugil.

Notes as of Winter, 1999-2000:

All but one of the Pseudomugil have slowly died, and I only have one bumblebee goby left. The other one was ancient and had a twisted back. I think it just refused to eat after a while. These two fish have been alone for .. oh, maybe a year now almost, and are doing fine, though I'm not expecting babies anytime soon. Maintaining the salinity is somewhat of a mystery, so I only do small water changes...

Last modified by Jessica Dion on January, 2000.