Baby Rainbowfish Tank

This is a cheap "critter carrier", one of those thin acrylic 5 gallon "tanks" you can buy to put your hermit crab in. The picture on the label usually shows a hamster or gerbil in the tank, neglecting to mention that both are capable of chewing out of this sort of tank (or just prying the lid off) in about 3 minutes.

That said, the tank was acquired from my friend Stef, who had a few fish in it as a kid. It had a "little mermaid" motif, with a plastic purple base, and a plastic mermaid decoration (that annoyingly floated!). It came with pink and white gravel, and a cartoon background. It didn't come with a filter (not even a little undergravel filter!). All of these objects have been removed (want 'em?). Needless to say, I'm not impressed with the "set up". If I were a fish, it would sound like a death-chamber to me. No wonder Stef no longer keeps fish!

I am currently housing 6 1" or so Melanotaenia lacustris (Turquoise Rainbowfish) fry. I bought them for $4 (what a steal!) at the monthly auction part of the TFCB meeting. They had been brought to the meeting by Doug Chamberlain, a member of the TFCB who raises many species of rainbowfish. They have been eating flakes and bloodworms and look very perky and healthy, so far. They get fed every morning and most evenings.

I have a small Duetto submersible filter in the tank, which I've been very happy with - it keeps the water clear and provides an impressive amount of current. I do a 30% water change every week or so on this tank, and keep the temperature about 81 degrees F with a tiny cheap-o heater. They get natural sunlight, and have some rocks. duckweed and elodea to swim around.

The fish have grown only a bit since I got them - I'm sure they'd grow faster if I fed them more often. :) They are looking really colorful these days, though, and their fins are sailing high, so I'm not too worried. Eventually, they'll be the star of the show in our newish 55 gallon tank, which is being cycled by one of my nice, sweet comets (goldfish) right now.

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Last Updated October 29, 1996