~ Baby African Cichlid Tank

This is a 10 gallon tank with a fine white sand substrate. It is filtered by a Whisper Junior filter and has a large bubble-stone running along the bottom. The fish are constantly burying it in the sand, which makes it look like the sand itself is bubbling. The tank is home to about a dozen fish - 3 or so (less than 1") Labidochromis cearuleus (bright yellow), several Labeotropheus tr. and one female Labidochromis freibergi. I know that keeping mixed species of the same genus us strongly forbidden, but the female is skinny and not fit to be bred yet, and the babies are teeny, so I don't think there will be action in this tank anytime soon. There are also some other yellow fish that I'm not sure if the name of, in the tank. hmm. Anyway, most of the fish are around 1" or less, though a few are larger. The whole bottom of the tank is covered with slate chunks, tea cups on their side, and other hiding places. They are piggies, so I give them a 1/3 water change every week or so (it's REALLY easy since the tank is in the basement).

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Last Updated January, 2000 by Jessica Dion