Colby Hill Ecological Project (CHEP)


Executive Summary of the first three Years (1998-2001) of the project

Some Mammal Observations using Video

Red Backed Vole retrieving newborn offspring
Young Porcupine climbing partially downed Aspen

Bats found on Colby Hill 


2003 Rapid Ecological Assessment of the Lincoln Town Forest 

link to pdf document at the Vermont Family Forests website 

2003 CHEP Workshop handout on Assessing Mammal Diversity

link to pdf document at the Vermont Family Forests website

2004 Camera Trap Survey for medium and large size Mammals

First result from 20 May to 21 July 2004:
Black Bear
Black bear   8 June 2004                          © J. Decher/CHEP 2004

Black bear  8 June 2004           © J. Decher / CHEP 2004
Gray Fox or Coyote??
Coyote - 9 July 2004             © J. Decher/CHEP 2004
old logging road

Moose 20 July 2004
Young Moose   20 July 2004                     © J. Decher/CHEP 2004
Edge of old pond.
Moose legs
Moose legs   21 July 2004                 © J. Decher/CHEP 2004
Edge of old pond
Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey [center right] 20 May 2004            © J. Decher/CHEP 2004


Related Links:     

Vermont Family Forests (Administrators of the Colby Hill Ecological Project)

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Copyright © Jan Decher/CHEP 2004