Immunogenomic Data Management Methods Workshop Project Meeting

Wednesday May 30, 2012
Morning Session 0830-1230, Afternoon Session 1600-1800
BT Convention Centre, Hall 4a


0830 AM
Welcome & Introductions

0845 AM
Overview of the Immunogenomic Data-Management Methods Project

0915 AM
IDAWG Survey of Immunogenomic Data Management Methods

0945 AM

Presentations on Immunogenomic Data Management, Analysis and Reporting Issues

1000 AM
Victoria Turner, PhD
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA as a Teaching Tool

1015 AM
Janelle Noble, PhD
Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA, USA
Coping with ambiguity in HLA genotyping: lessons from the T1DGC

1030 AM
Cherie Holcomb, PhD
Roche Molecular Systems, Pleasanton, CA, USA

Management of Next Generation Sequence Data Generated on the Roche 454 Platform

1045 AM
Alexander Schmidt, MD
DKMS German Bone Marrow Donor Center, Tübingen, Germany
Reporting of non-clinical HLA typing results

1100 AM
Yufeng Yao, PhD and Li Shi, PhD
Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Kunming, China
Analysis of Multi-loci within HLA regions and HLA/KIR combination in different Chinese ethnic groups

1115 AM
James Robinson
Anthony Nolan Research Institute, London, UK
An XML Export of the IMGT/HLA Database

1130 AM
Martin Maiers
National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis MN, USA
HLA Data on the Cloud

1145 AM
Abeer Madbouly, Ph.D.
National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis MN, USA
Statistical Imputation of Allele-Level Multi-Locus Phased Genotypes through Structural Analysis of Ambiguous HLA

1200 PM
Carolyn Katovich Hurley, PhD, D(ABHI)
Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, USA
HLA Typing at Recruitment—Is It Time to Rethink Our Strategy?

Discussion of Morning Session


Open Discussion on Data Management, Analysis and Reporting Standards