290-295 Manhattan Drive, Photo by Louis McAllister in 1929

Coordinates: 18T 0641942 UTM 4927661


In this view, second in the series, shows a dead center look at the street. Water damage to the print caused rippling, but otherwise this photo is useful to show the completed street work. 290 North Bend is once again in view, as is 293-295 North Bend just behind the trees on the right side.

            Constructed around 1890, 290 North Bend was a two-story side gabled house with decorative front gables in the center of the house. Attached to the front, there was an enclosed porch that ran the entire length of the house. In 1897 Joseph Shequin, a city carter, moved in along with his parents.[1] The 1929 McAllister photo shows some additions. A bay window was added to the North side, and the house added onto the back.

            293-295 North Bend was a two-unit apartment house that can be traced back though the city directories to Edward Dumas, Jr. In 1898, Dumas moved into what was then 291. Dumas was a laborer. He shared the apartment with his son, Edward Dumas, III, who employed by the city.[2] In 1900, his next-door neighbor, Louis Lavallee a teamster, moved into what was then 289.[3] Occupants come and went from year to year, and the structure grew over time. The 1942 Sanborn show a six-car garage at the rear of the property.[4]

1. Burlington City Directory Including Winooski & South Burlington (Burlington: L.P. Waite & Co., 1897).

2. Burlington City Directory Including Winooski & South Burlington (Burlington: L.P. Waite & Co., 1898).

3. Burlington City Directory Including Winooski & South Burlington (Burlington: L.P. Waite & Co., 1900).

4. Sanborn Map, 1940. Special Collections, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.

290-295 Manhattan Drive, Photo by Julie Weisgerber in 2005



The streetscape has changed slightly. The traffic is much heavier along this street, and is evidenced by the need for a stop sign. Cars are park outside the school (out of view) and 293-295 Manhattan Drive was demolished, and the land apportioned into the playground for the school. 290 Manhattan Drive still looks very similar today. It has been covered in siding, and the sun porch changed slightly. The other changed is the row of (4) attached apartments tucked behind the main building.

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Historic Burlington Project
Burlington 1890 | Burlington 1877 | Burlington 1869 | Burlington 1853 | Burlington 1830

Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections