Blodgett Street off Ward Street- McAllister Photo c. 1930

            McAllister’s c.1930 photograph is a south looking view of Blodgett Street off of Ward Street.  It shows a residential neighborhood lined the large American elm trees.  The houses are all vernacular in construction and from the empty lots, the neighborhood looks as if it is slow to develop.  Houses that can be seen in the view are on the left, #76 Blodgett Street and #70 Blodgett Street.  On the right, #83 Blodgett Street can be seen.

#76 Blodgett is the long, one story house with front gabled end.  It was originally addressed as #70 and lists it as such in the city directories until 1922.  The 1923 city directory has the address changed to #76.  Working class people occupied the house and the 1902 city directory lists James Sanderson at the address.   The 1913 city directory has Julius St. John residing.

#70 Blodgett is a two story, vernacular four square house.  The 1929 city directory has the first listing for the address.  Charles Ritchie, a laborer, occupied the house.  By 1935, Arthur E. Lefevre, a florist for Lakeview Cemetery, resides at the address. [1]

#83 Blodgett Street is a 1 1/2-story front gable vernacular house.  The 1938 Sanborn map shows the house as having a south facing side porch, which could have been the entrance.  The north façade has a visible first story window and a dormer with a gable roof.  An automobile is parked next to the house.



[1]           H.A. Manning Company. Burlington and Winooski Directory. Greenfield, MA: Manning, 1935.



Blodgett Street off Ward Street - K.Smith Photo Oct. 2005

Present day, the streetscape has changed.  The November 2005 photo shows how the empty lots have been filled with more houses.  Two houses have been constructed on the left and obstruct the view of #76 Blodgett Street and #70 Blodgett Street.  On the right, a house with a white picket fence has been constructed in the foreground, in front of  #83 Blodgett Street.  #83 Blodgett Street has changed.  It now has an attached, enclosed front porch, emphasizing the east facing entrance.  Modern vehicles are parked along the left side of the street.






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Historic Burlington Project
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Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections