What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, Vermont?




46 Bright Street

This two-and-one-half story gable front house sits midway along the east side of Bright Street.  The house features both one-over-one and two-over-one, double hung sash windows, clapboard siding, being covered with vinyl siding, stone foundation, slate roof with raking eaves, and a small, central chimney. A larger, two-story, enclosed porch with wooden halfwalls covers the front facade, a small, single-story, shed addition protrudes from the southerly facade, and there is a gable dormer in the south side of the roof.  Entry is found via the porch, on the southern corner. 

The clapboard siding, slate roof with raking eaves, stone foundation, and  are all indicative of the 1870s.  The two-over-two sashes were popular in the 1870s and are probably original, whereas the one-over-one sashes may be replacements.  

The footprint on the 1900 Sanborn map shows a conglomeration of rear additions and lacks a front porch.  The original main block was a small, rectangular gable front mass, and the house has since been enlarged and the old additions are encompassed into one large mass, as can be seen on the 1978 Sanborn map. 

The first known inhabitant was Isaac Rogers, 1877.1  Isaac, along with Louisa and Matilda Rogers, worked for L.S. Drew and inhabited the house until about 1887.2  Occupancy is unknown until 1899 when Max Glasston jr. moves in with his family.3  Max owns the Max Glasston Department store on Lakeside Avenue, which is in business well into the 1900s.4  The Glasston family occupies this address until around 1923.5  The house is currently divided into apartments and has been since at least 1978.6

See house on 1877 Birds-Eye Map


1 Burlington City Directories

2 Ibid

3 Ibid

4 Ibid

5 Ibid

6 1978 Sanborn Insurance Map