What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, Vermont?




16-18 Decatur Street

This two-story, gable front house sits midway down the north side of Decatur Street and has undergone significant change since its construction.  The house features one-over-one, double hung sash windows, clapboard siding, stone foundation, slate roof with raking eaves and small, central chimney.  The entrance is located beneath a pedimented portico on the left side of the front facade.  A two-story pedimented bay window protrudes from the right side of the front facade, and a large two story porch with shingled halfwalls extends along the easterly facade.

The raking eaves, clapboard siding, stone foundation, slate roof and small, central chimney all indicate this house was most likely constructed in the 1870s.  The windows are most likely replacements.  The turned posts and bay window hint at the Queen Anne style becoming popular in the latter part of the century. 

The 1885 Sanborn map shows a small block with a rear addition setting far back on the property.  Inspection of the building reveals the original one-and-one half story, gable front block and the two-story, pent roof addition at the back end of the current structure.  The 1900 Sanborn map shows the large, front cross-gable plan with side porch as it exists today.  The windows on the original block are much smaller than the additions, and the upper story windows are tucked up beneath the eaves.  

No information could be found regarding the original owner, however, Jasper D. Tousley was found to inhabit the house from around 1886-1890.1  Tousley originally worked for T. Arbuckle and Company, a candy and cigar dealer, and in 1888 worked in a confectionary and ice cream shop at 106 Church Street.2

See house on 1877 Birds-Eye Map


1 Burlington City Directories

2 Ibid