Rose Street


Rose Street, more than other streets in the Author's area, seems to have had the largest rotation of laborers. Many people were listed as living on Rose Street in the 1881 City Directory, sometimes seven and eight to a house. Of the ten buildings shown on Rose street on the 1869 Beers Atlas Map, only three were found to have conclusive evidence of survival to the present. It is not surprising that a high-density labor area such as this would see the loss of buildings over time.

18 Rose Street

The 1869 Beers Atlas Map shows four buildings in a row with massing similar to this one. Of the four, only this survives with a similar footprint. The map shows B. Riley at this location, and the 1869 Directory states the Bruno Riley lived on "Rose st. Near North st." Riley was an employee at L. Barnes and Co., a lumber company, which would fit with the labor class of this area. The 1881 directory shows Louis and Lyman Steady residing at this address. Vermont Sites and Structures states this building was constructed c. 1885.1 It is possible that this is a rebuild with foundation elements retained, but it is also likely to be one of the original four structures on this side of the street.

19 Rose Street

Current aerial maps show the exact footprint found on the 1869 Beers map. There is no name on the map itself, but Vermont Sites and Structures gives 1869 as the construction date for a William Hogan. That name does appear in the 1869 Directory in this location, and is also on the 1890 Hopkins map at this site. This may be the only house on Rose Street that retained its original occupant until the turn of the century.

27 Rose Street

Almost identical in massing to its neighbor at 19 Rose Street, this building also retains the exact footing currently as on the 1869 Beers map. According to the 1881 directory, J.W. Kelley, a carpenter, lived here. However, that name does not appear in directories prior or subsequent at this location. By 1890, the Hopkins map shows an A. Auctill living at this location, and again, this name does not appear in the directories. It is likely that this, like other houses on this street, was used by rotating laborers.

1 Vermont Sites and Structures Survey, Rose Street, CD Rom.