Constructed prior to 1869, 10 Rumsey Lane is a two-story, five-by-2 bay, frame dwelling. Oriented toward the north, 10 Rumsey Lane faces 9 Rumsey Lane immediately to the left with Chase Street beyond. One brick chimney rises from the ridge of the side-gabled roof. There is a one-story hipped roof porch on the front façade as well as a two-story shed roof addition on the eastern façade.

10 Rumsey Lane is listed on the 1869 Beers atlas as "J. Groto." It is located adjacent to 9 Rumsey Lane. Groto appears in the 1866-1867 Burlington city directory as an employee of H. Paddock. Groto is listed living in a house near Winooski. The 1890 Hopkins map of Burlington identifies "G. A. Rumsey" as owning 10 Rumsey Lane. It appears that Rumsey's property that later became 10 Rumsey Lane was a continuation of his property along Chase Street.

By the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Rumsey Lane was known as "Croto's Lane." The1901 Burlington city directory lists Adelia Poirer, widow of Joseph, (a quarryman who passed away on July 7, 1900) and her three children, as residing on Croto's Lane. Although, by 1902, Edward Shortsleeves, a mill hand, occupies Croto's Lane. (1)

The 1910 Burlington city directory lists Edward C. LaBelle, a laborer, as residing at 10 Rumsey Lane. (2) By 1920, Joseph Gabbeitt, proprietor of a Winooski restaurant, occupies 10 Rumsey Lane. Joseph Gabbeitt remained in the house into the 1940's, although the name of his restaurant changed many times. In the 1930 Burlington city directory, it is listed as the "Twin City Diner," and in the 1940 Burlington city directory, it is listed as "Joe's Diner."

(1) Waite, L. P. and Company. Burlington City Directory and Business Directory (Burlington, Vermont: The Free Press Association, 1902).

(2) Manning, H. A. Burlington, Winooski, Essex Junction Directory

