
The conservatory, which lies just inside the cemetery grounds southeast of the mausoleum, was completed in 1882. The building consists of two parts: a rectangular vestibule and the greenhouse extending back from it. The basement of both sections is dark colored, random coursed granite ashlar. Above this is a layer of lighter colored granite blocks topped by a water table of the same stone. The vestibule is clad in white clapboards with corner pilasters. It has three bays across the front and one on each side. The front bays are symmetrically arranged with the door in the center. A hipped roof with asphalt shingles rises above the vestibule. A small pediment with a sunburst design is symmetrically placed on the front slope of the roof. Below the eaves is a wood frieze containing triglyphs and metopes. The metopes contain festoons of laurel leaves. Each bay has a peaked lintelboard containing a sunburst design. The front windows are doublehung sash; the side windows are paired doublehung sash. All windows in this section are Queen Anne type. The front windows have small panes alternating a variety of colors on the outside edges of the sash. The side windows have two small, colored panes at the top of the top sash and the bottom of the bottom sash. The wooden door contains two windows, one above the other, and is topped by a transom window. The main top pane is green, and the main bottom pane is blue. Smaller panes in a variety of colors line the outside edges of these windows. The transom is also lined with small, colored panes around its outside edges.

The southeast side of the greenhouse section has two windows in the basement, a fixed sash near the front and a double hung sash near the rear. The northwest side has only the double hung sash near the rear. On the sides, above the watertable, is a row of four-light, fixed sash windows. Most of these windows have two colored panes diagonal to one another with the other two panes as clear glass. Above these rows of windows is the roof, which has been replaced with corrugated steel. The back of the greenhouse has a brick chimney rising from the watertable. In the basement there is a door to the left of the axis of the chimney and a double hung sash window to the right of the axis of the chimney. Above the watertable, a set of windows is symmetrically arranged on each side of the chimney. Lowest is a row of five four-light fixed sash windows. Above these is another row of five, the tops of which angle to a point below the apex of the roof. This results in a variety in the number and shapes of the lights. Above this, the final section completes the rise to the roof ridge, also giving a variety of shapes to the lights.