Carriage House

The carriage barn stands to the southeast of Laurel Hall. It is a story and a half, front gabled, white clapboarded structure with a jerkinhead roof. It rests on a granite foundation and is roofed with modern asphalt shingles. A one story, shed roofed section on the back was the stable. A louvered cupola topped by a finial rises from the roof ridge near the front of the building. A green painted, clapboard beltcourse circles the building just above the sill and is set off from the rest of the siding by a thin, square molding at the height of the base of the first floor windows. The building was rehabilitated as a residence in the mid-1980s.

The front gable end has flush board vertical siding, and below it used to have adjacent double carriage doors. The shape of the doors has been retained, but the doors have not. The top third of the door space has been filled with windows. Below the windows is flush board vertical siding topped with green painted boards crossed into an X, suggesting the half-timbering of the main house. The hayloft door has been converted to a window.

A door and doorhood have been added to the southeast side of the main block. A door and chimney have been added to the shed section on the same side. One main floor window and the two kneewall windows have been retained, but the other main floor window has been shortened and replaced by a modern single pane sash. Modern skylights are aligned above the kneewall windows. A modern porch runs most of the length of this side. The back of the shed section contains three doublehung sash windows. A modern emergency exit door has been added to the back above the shed section.

The main northwest section is two bays wide. Each bay contains a window at the first floor, above which is a kneewall window, and in the roof, a modern skylight. There is also a window on this side of the shed. The original main floor windows are 4/4 sash with the lights adjacent to the meeting rail elongated, and the lights adjacent to the top and bottom rails truncated. The kneewall windows are single pane fixed sash. Modern storm windows have been installed over the original windows, but the window trim has been retained.