The ETC Newsletter

Issue #1 Spring Semester 1994

The Electronic Text Center--"Where the 5th Century B.C. meets the 21st Century A.D."

Holdings Highlights:

  • English Poetry Database
  • Perseus Project
  • Ibycus
  • Hebrew Responsa Database
  • Pennsylvania Gazette, 1725-1768
  • Patrologia Latina Database
  • Past Masters
  • Riverside Shakespeare
  • Library of America
  • Constitution Papers
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • Le Robert Electronique
  • CETEDOC Library of Christian Latin Texts
  • King James Bible
  • Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
  • Freedom Papers

  • Introducing the ETC The Electronic Text Center in Sterling Memorial Library, where the 5th Century B.C. meets the 21st Century A.D., is now open to serve the research needs of the Yale community. While scholars have used computerized indexes such as the MLA Bibliography, the Humanities Index, or Dissertation Abstracts for a number of years to determine what avenues of research are being pursued by others, the products located in the Electronic Text Center enable users to easily do research in ways previously difficult, if not impossible. The ETC houses the library's growing collection of more than 4,000 electronic texts!

    Travel Through Space, Time and Texts at the ETC!

    With a few simple keystrokes on an ETC computer, you can travel to ancient Greece, search for a phrase throughout all of Shakespeare's works, or return to 18th Century Philadelphia through the pages and images of the Philadelphia Gazette.

    The ETC serves many disciplines. The hypertext database, Perseus, includes Classical texts such as Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey as well as over 4,000 vase, sculpture and coin images from collections around the world.

    Scholars of American literature can access the works of Melville, Faulkner, Cather and other via the computer to do textual analysis with an efficiency unattainable with other media.

    In addition to providing access to commercially available texts, ETC staff members assist users in identifying, locating and obtaining other electronic texts. Works from the Oxford Text Archives and ARTFL Database are also available through the Internet. A list of titles housed in the ETC is available in Room 509, at the Sterling Reference Desk or at YaleInfo.

    For further information, please contact Paul Constantine, ETC Coordinator, at 432-8373 or 432-1783 (e-mail: CONTSTAN@YALEVM.YCC.YALE.EDU)