Mountain Freehold
Photo Album


Image of Birthday Bash fighters Birthday Bash

This link will take you to Alaxandr MacLochloinn de Craig-Elachie pictures.

4th of September, a.s. XXXIX


This link will take you to the Oügley Frækh Album which contains more Freeholder photos.

Pennsic 32,
Northern Lights A&S Pentathlon



Freehold Arts Event,
Johnson State College Event

Northern Lights at Panther Vale
Follow this link and scroll down the page a bit to see the entire process!
Plaster Face Casting: By Lady Idhunna Thorleiksdottir, winner of the 'Other Performance' category, assisted by Baron Mutsuro Ishido. Face generously provided by Don Iago el Matador de Pesco.


Pennsic XXIV
Freeholders, the encampment, and other pictures of Pennsic
Panteria V,
The Coronation of Balfar and Luna,
Isle du Dragon Dormant 12th Night, 
Havre des Glaces Baronial Investiture


1999 The Coronation of Lucan and Marieke
25 September AS XXXIV
The original coronation website is also available.
Northern Region War Camp,
Glenn Linn Warcamp,
Legends of Chivalry,
Crown Tourney,

 1996 through 1998

Pennsic Fashion,
Crown Tourney,
Essex School Demo

Freeholders: Do you have pictures from events? Digital or prints, I'd love to include them in the album. You can e-mail digital copies to me as attachments, or send prints by snail mail and I'll scan them. Please include the name by which you would like to have them attributed and, for prints, your return address so I can get them back to you. If you already have photos online and would like me to link to them from this page, I'd love to do that, too. For details, contact me, Alice at

Updated: 9 September 2003. Maintained by Alice Nele. Please let me know of any troubles you encounter here!
Mountain Freehold Web Site.