Some Ideas for Activities

Active Games
  • 3 legged race
  • sack race
  • catch the dragon's tail (conga line, first person tries to catch last person in line)
  • treasure hunt/quest for dragon pinata
  • court manners
  • live parchesi
  • dancing
  • barnyard animals blindfolded
  • king is coming (musical chairs mixup)
  • ring toss
  • bean toss
  • spit in the bucket. A relay, where members of a team attempt to run and fill up a small bucket using only their mouths to carry water. First team to fill the bucket wins.
  • wet rag on a stick. a person in the middle is blindfolded, and given a short stick with a soaked rag on the end. Everyone else links arms in a tight circle and goes around, taunting them. The blindfolded person then flings the rag off the stick. Whoever it hits (SPLAT!) goes in the middle.
  • bang the kettle. a person is blindfolded and seated, with a metal kettle at their knees. They are given a boffer. Folks attempt to get up to the kettle and whack it with a wooden spoon without getting swatted with the boffer. If you get hit, you go in the middle.
  • turnip harvest. a large circle on the ground is made with rope. turnips are scattered in the circle. Individuals are blindfolded and put on their hands and knees in the circle. Team leaders are on the outside, with a pot and spoon. Harvesters attempt to gather tunrips and get them to the leaders, based solely on the sounds of the voice and the banging of the pot.
  • Hopping tag. Everyone is inside a circle made of rope. "It" is hopping on one foot. If "It" tags you,  then you must hop on one foot too, and can tag others.
  • Barnyard animals. Three groups of "animals" close their eyes and attempt to find their buddies by   making appropriate noises.
  • turnip tossing. Folks have to toss said turnips into a sack...about 10-15 yards away, and over their shoulders.
  • izzy dizzy. Stick your head on a waist high stick and spin around a bunch of times. Now, try and run back to your friends...NOT to be combined with spit in the bucket.
  • Hunkerhausen. tug of war on platforms.
  • Twilsey Wop. Pillow fighting on platforms
  • make a big knot of ourselves and attempt to untangle without breaking hands
  • Game:Pirate's Treasure (or Dragon's Horde, or whatever thematic title you dream up): Round Balloons, a string, a stake (or an old Nissan car key) and some sort of hard candy or other multiple-round/multiple winner prize. To play the game, arrange the children in a circle around the staked string. Attach an inflated balloon to the string (blowing up the balloon can be a "prize" or Honor in itself). One child is the "dragon", the other is the "knight". With hands clasped behind their backs (an important safety feature), the knight has 10 seconds to get past the dragon and pop the balloon (removing the protection spell, as it were). If the knight succeeds, s/he become the new dragon. If the dragon succeeds, s/he continues to protect her/his horde - I'd suggest that the dragon get "magically" turned into a dwarf after three successful rounds so that the other children get a chance at it. The winner of each round gets a small prize. Try to ensure that each child comes away with a prize, even if they must be rewarded for honorable behavior, excellent maneuvers, kindness to opponent or some such.
  • Duck, duck, goose
  • Red light/green light can be renamed "Lay on/Hold" and serve the purpose of teaching children to stay still when a hold is called.
  • Belts - supplies needed: round rings, three or more colors of heavy yarn. Divide the children into couples. Cut the yarn into 72" lengths, gather the lengths into "clumps" of three, loop the middle of each clump through the ring and then have one child hold the ring while the other braids or knots their belt. Try to team up children who know how to braid with ones who need help (to encourage teamwork and courtesy).
  • Fans - materials: poster paper (precut) or paper plates, glue, tongue depressors, decorating materials. Use two tongue depressors to create a handle for the fan (sandwich the paper between the ends of the depressors), then decorate the fan surface.
  • Pouches can be pre-made from scraps and decorated onsite. Starting the day with this activity gives each child something to hold all the little things they seem to collect.
  • Shields - paint, magic marker, stickers, multi-color paper
  • Beads
  • Horses - horses cut from poster board, stapled together, ropes go over shoulder, fabric paint/print a caparison
  • Dolls - yarn or rope dolls
  • Banner/scroll - print Medieval images (flowers, animals, etc.) for kids to color and paste to a big scroll. Add their names to the scroll with an appropriate message, then present it to their or her majesty(ies) during feast. Let kids carry it in with bells.
  • Court Ribbons (colorful bunches of ribbons to be waved during "vivats")
  • Big Paper Castle Draw - tape long roll of paper to wall and let kids draw a castle, village, etc.
  • Favors?

Information about this web page: Alice Nele of Mountain Freehold
About the images. Last modified: 15 July 1999