UVM Information Technology Executive Council Proposal:

Buried Treasure: Bringing UVMs Special Collections to Light

Object: Enhance UVMs position in humanities scholarship by contributing unique digital primary resources to the scholarly community.

The hue and cry is out across the Internet: we need scholarly content. The UVM Special Collections contains a wealth of well-hidden, almost inaccessible scholarly material. The dedicated researcher can ferret out some of this information by spending many hours on site. The Internet gives UVM the opportunity to share this wealth to the non-site scholar and interested layperson.

UVM has not been a player in the world wide quest to digitize primary sources. However, in the new electronic scholarly world, a university need not be judged by the size of its collection, nor limited by it's physical location.

This proposal seeks to enhance UVM's position on the scholarly world map, particularly in the humanities, by the digitization and Web publishing of select portions of Special Collections.

Partners and Methods:
Library Special Collections staff, CIT staff, Selected Faculty, Students.
This project could be carried out in many ways, either through individuals' work, through student independent study projects, or through credit course projects. Having students work on the projects would have the added benefit of increasing students' knowledge of the tools, methods and materials of the scholar ("don't teach the student history--teach the student to think like a historian").

Hope Greenberg, 10/31/95