University of Vermont
English 330: Nineteenth Century American Literary Cultures
Summer l996, Mon and Wed: 6:30-9:30
Professor M.L.Kete


*Attendance and participation.

*Discussion questions: once a week you should prepare a question for discussion. The written version of this should be one to two pages in length and should pose a question on the reading or the class material. Make sure you explain what has led up to this question (provide quotes or whatever else might help you). when, either attempt to answer the question or lay out how you might begin to answer your question. Your questions should demonstrate your ability to
read closely and to think critically.

*Oral presentation: Once in the term you will be asked to formally present your discussion
question and to lead the class through an interrogation of the issues you raise.

*Research paper: 15-20 page paper. This paper will be due one month after the conclusion of
the course. A proposal, project plan, and annotated bibliography is due on the last day of class and
will be formally presented in a workshop format.

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